
High Voltage Current Transformers

Available from 25 kV to 800 kV for measurement, protection and control

POLIPAR High Voltage Transformers

Available from 25 kV to 800 kV  for measurement, protection and control

Current Transformers, Inductive Voltage Transformers, Capacitive Voltage Transformers, Combined Current/Voltage Transformers and Station Service Voltage Transformers are designed to transform high current and high voltage levels down to low current and low voltage outputs in a known and accurate proportion specified by the product nameplate ratios. All units are tailored for specific applications, either to operate accurately at steady state conditions or to maintain reasonable accuracy reading up to extreme fault level conditions. 

These products consist of high dielectric strength oil-filled designs using paper and foil shields impregnated with refined dehydrated and degassed transformer oil, or stress-controlled, shield-graded SF6 gas-insulated designs. This ensures conservative reliable performance for decades of service in demanding global outdoor environments.


  • Revenue metering for electric utilities, independent power producers, or industrial users
  • Protective relaying for use with switchgear to monitor system current and voltage levels
  • High accuracy wide current range use for independent power facilities
  • Station service power needs within substations or for power needs at remote sites.





POLIPAR is an innovator in instrument transformer technology and has the most comprehensive product line in the market. Access to the latest technology, global sourcing and up-to-date processes ensures long life and meets the most stringent needs defined by the industry. Some of the important benefits offered by POLIPAR supply are:

  • Up to date supporting documentation on HVIT designs
  • State of the art processes and materials for best service life
  • HVIT Factories maintain traceability to National Accuracy Standards
  • Continuous improvement of instrument transformer products based on user feedback
  • Active engineering participation in setting national standards for the HVIT industry




Flexible design enables customer-tailored solutions

IMB oil-minimum current transformers are based on a tank type (hairpin) design and available with porcelain or silicone rubber insulators.


Installation   Outdoor
Design   Tank (Hairpin) type
Insulation   Oil-paper-quartz
Highest voltage for equipment kV 36 - 800
Max. primary current  A Up to 4000
Short-circuit current kA/1 sec  Up to 63
Insulators   Porcelain
On request silicon rubber
Creepage distance mm/kV ≥ 25
Longer on request
Ambient temperature              ºC -40 to +40
 Design altitude  m Maximum 1000 (Standard)
Others on request
Accuracy   Meets all IEC and IEEE metering and protection classes




Gas-insulated instrument transformer for enhanced safety and reliability


TG Current transformer   
Installation Outdoor
Design Self-standing top-core type
Insulation SF6 gas
Highest voltage for equipment 72.5 - 800 kV
Max primary current Up to 4.000 A
Short-circuit current Up to 63 kA
Insulators Porcelain or composite
Short time power frequency withstand voltage Up to 975 kV
SF6 leakage Less than 0.1% for year
Ambient temperature -50 ºC to +40 ºC (Standard)
Pollution level IV (very heavy)
Accuracy Meets all IEC and IEEE metering and protection classes


For more informations 


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